Sunday, January 25, 2015


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Thursday, January 22, 2015


Family SecretsFamily Secrets by Donna M. Zadunajsky
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my third novel, but the first book of a series. It is different than I usually write, but still has some mystery and suspense, with a hint of contemporary women's fiction. I had an idea when I first started writing this novel, but half way through, I just knew it wouldn't work because then the book would have been at least 200,000 words long.
So, instead I have broken the book into a series of different stories using characters from the book before. If they are mentioned in the first book, then they'll have their own book in the series.
I know this is supposed to be a review, but as I am the writer of the book, I would think it is frowned upon, so I thought I'd just write to my readers and tell them a little about why I wrote the book and what is to come in my writing career.

The book is dedicated to two wonderful people in my life. The first person, a dear friend and like my second mom, had battled breast cancer, and has recently left our world battling Pancreatic cancer.
The second person is my best friend who I had asked personal things and not so personal. I wrote a story as if she could have picked her life what would she want her name to be, where she wanted to work, and do with her life.

The results are a 90,000 word book. A little true, but most fiction. So, sit back and enjoy this story of grief, battling breast cancer, forgiveness, and of course, love.

View all my reviews