http://www.bookroomreviews.comReading that you would assume that this will be the story about the “secret” what happened? How did it happen?Why did it change her life? Needless to say I was a little disappointed to learn the secret ( although I already guessed it) within the first few chapters. I actually started to lose interest in the story. Turn a few more pages and that’s when the Author GRABS you! So unless you are one of those “Sicko’s” that like to read the end of the book first you should really enjoy this book especially if you like a good mystery/suspense novel.Once I got into the book there where so many twist and turns it was like getting lost in a Corn MazeJust when you think you have it figured out you find out you turned left when you should have turned right.
Written in first person you follow this woman as she tries to unravel a web of lies and deceit,to solve a puzzle she just can’t believe is happening or has happened.Who can she believe, who to trust? Who’s telling the truth what really happened all those years ago.
This piece of work by Donna Zadnajsky is filled with surprises and is well worth the price if you decide to purchase if for nothing else the surprise ending… buy Not Forgotten
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